Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Using Yoga to Combat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can sap your strength and spirit, leaving you feeling hopeless and desperate for relief. The spiritual nature of yoga can help you manage chronic pain both physically and emotionally, giving you the strength to live your life in the very best possible way. You can carry what you learn during yoga sessions into every aspect of your day, extending its benefits beyond the mat.

The Spiritual Side of Hatha Yoga

Yoga is more than an exercise system. If you pay attention to your breath and inner energy while you practice the poses, you will feel greater effects from the physical movements and a great sense of inner peace.

Yoga was originally designed thousands of years ago to allow spiritual seekers access to their inner selves through outer physical movement. Practicing breathing is the most important part of yoga even for advanced yoga students. You must pay attention to how your breath moves through your body and use it to bring wellness into yourself.

Clearing your mind while breathing regularly relieves the mental stress connected with chronic pain. You have something to pay attention to besides your body's pain, and it is possible you may learn to "forget" the pain at least for a brief time. When you suffer from chronic pain, all moments of relief are wonderful.

The Physical Side of Hatha Yoga

For many who suffer from chronic pain, the gentle stretching and manipulation of the body during yoga poses offer good ways to let pain go and experience relief. Yoga exercises work by encouraging you to explore the "opposites" of your usual physical patterns.

For instance, you sit or stand in a certain way most of the day. When you practice yoga poses, your body is positioned in opposite ways such as standing on your head or lifting your back up off the mat in a bridge fashion. These poses stretch your muscles out of their usual patterns and encourage you to experience your body in new ways.

When you perform yoga poses, you always push your body to the limit of its capability and no further. The gentle nature of the poses is important to remember; overdoing anything causes you more hurt in the end. Be patient with your body and keep doing yoga poses every day until your body is better able to move.

The Mental Side of Hatha Yoga

Use your power of imagination to manage your chronic pain through yoga. Your yoga routine will take only a few minutes to go through, especially when you are just starting out. Use this time to concentrate on letting your pain go.

Imagine the pain leaving your body in any way you are mentally comfortable with, such as vividly seeing the pain leave on wings of light or as an army of ants scattering ahead of you. These powerful imaginings will be helpful to you if you believe they will indeed help.

Most importantly, use the breathing techniques you learn during hatha yoga poses to manage your pain throughout the day. Taking a few moments to relax and clear your mind can lower your pain without actually performing poses at that time.

When you create a particularly powerful image while practicing yoga poses, remember that image at other times. Your brain will tap into the good feelings over and over. You can use that personal power to manage chronic pain; it is an excellent way to take charge of your situation.

Hatha Yoga as a Whole Body-Mind System

Chronic pain is with you every moment of every day. Pain-relieving drugs will only help so much, just as the power of yoga will only help so much. You will need to keep practicing yoga patiently in order to see results. It is not instant but it can become a very important part of your pain management routine.

Because yoga engages your spirit, body, and mind in a very personal and powerful way, you become part of your own solution to chronic pain. Taking control of your own care boosts your confidence and increases your ability to cope with chronic pain.

Each of the different aspects of hatha yoga is important but linking the physical poses with spirituality and the power of your imagination brings you better results. As a whole body-mind system, yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to both increase inner strength and develop outer flexibility. By practicing regularly and with patience, you can tap into the power of this ancient system.At AmatlanYoga.com our goal is to provide the conditions through which retreatants can deepen their practice, make friends with themselves and the world, and return home with a greater capacity for both contentment and purpose. To arrange your yoga retreat visit us online today.

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